
Outsourcing of Cleaning Services at Chancery in Canberra, Australia owned by the Government of India

Posted on: December 13, 2021 | Last Submission Date: January 03, 2022 | Back | Print

HIGH COMMISSION OF INDIA, Canberra for and on behalf of the President of India invites tenders for outsourcing of cleaning services at Chancery premises located at 3, Moonah Place, Yarralumla 2600. Further details are available in the tender document available on our website https://www.hcicanberra.gov.in/ Any further queries can be mailed to the following email ID: hoc.canberra@mea.gov.in

2. The bids should be submitted in a sealed envelope super-scribed with name of work “Outsourcing of Cleaning services at Chancery” and may be submitted to the Head of Chancery, High Commission of India, Canberra, 3 Moonah Place, Yarralumla, on or before 3rd January 2022.

