
Tender Notice for Hiring services of a private agency for managing Mission’s Accounts/Handles across various Social Media Platforms

Posted on: January 14, 2022 | Last Submission Date: February 21, 2022 | Back | Print

High Commission of India, Canberra is considering selection of an agency for management of High Commission’s accounts/handles across various social media platform viz. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube etc.

The tender document may be downloaded from https://www.hcicanberra.gov.in/tenders.php and from CPP Portal – https://eprocure.gov.in/epublish/app.

2. The important schedules and dates are as under:

Important Dates
Published date 17.01.2022
Bid document download start date 17.01.2022
Clarification start date 17.01.2022
Clarification end date 03.02.2022
Bid submission start date 17.01.2022
Bid submission end date 21.02.2022
Date of Technical Bid opening 26.02.2022
Award of Work Order Approximately 2-3 weeks after opening of financial bid

3. Interested companies may submit their sealed tenders in two bid system i.e. Technical bid and Financial Bid as per Terms and Conditions of the Tender Document to High Commission of India, 3 Moonah Place, Yarralumla, ACT-2600 on or before the bid submission end date.

4. Further clarifications, if any, can be sought during working days from 0900 hrs to 1500 hrs over telephone no. +61 2 6225 4913 or through email addressed to pic.canberra@mea.gov.in.


